Tuesday, January 27, 2009

global warming...

Global Warming Fastest For 20,000 Years

Global warming is made worse by man-made pollution and the scale of the problem is unprecedented in at least 20,000 years, according to a draft report by the world's leading climate scientists. The leaked assessment by the group of international experts says there is now overwhelming evidence to show that the Earth's climate is undergoing dramatic transformation because of human activity. A draft copy of the report by a working group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases are at the highest for at least 650,000 years.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


How to Save Endangered Pandas

Pandas are known all over the world for their familiar black and white coloring. Yet this well-loved animal faces extinction if nothing else is done to save endangered pandas. With these simple options, help conserve habitat and save pandas from your own home or join conservation efforts in China.
Support captive breeding programs in the United States and around the world. With low birth rates and reproduction issues, breeding in captivity is an important aspect of panda survival. Visit zoos that have captive pandas.
Donate money or time to an organization dedicated to protecting endangered pandas. Although wild pandas are only found in China, conservation organizations are found around the globe. Choose to donate money online or offer to volunteer if the organization is located close to you.
Sponsor or adopt a panda. Zoos and other organizations often support their efforts by having individuals "adopt" or sponsor a particular animal. With sponsorship, you might receive pictures and information about your specific adoptee. This makes a great gift for children or individuals who like pandas.
Grow bamboo. Some zoos in the United States accept bamboo donations from individuals. Contact a zoo with a panda near you to see if they have such a program and what the requirements are.
Learn about the Chinese government's efforts to maintain panda habitat and save endangered pandas. Government efforts include turning land back into forest, promoting high yield crops instead of logging and promoting population control.
Avoid products that are made from animals who share habitats with pandas. Poachers and hunters of other species threaten pandas through snares, traps and other hunting methods.
Buy products from companies that donate money to panda conservation. Many conservation organizations sell panda related materials or provide information about companies that sponsor panda survival.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

our earth...

How to Save the Earth

Can anything you do really matter to the Earth? On a universal scale,
no. The Earth will keep on spinning, evolving and sustaining life no
matter what humans choose to do. There's much to do, however, to
reduce the pressure on our Big Blue Marble's limited resources.

Step to save the earth:


Consume less. Everything people do, including eating (especially meat), watering lawns, heating homes and driving cars, consumes resources. Everything people buy requires resources to produce and ship. Be conscious of all the small decisions you make in your everyday life that increase the total human impact on the planet.


Learn what types of fish are in danger of being overfished and don't buy them at the store or order them in restaurants.


Consider driving a smaller or hybrid car. Of course, buying a new car equals more consumption, so approach this issue with some caution. But if you're already looking for a new car, get one that's energy efficient.


Support international agreements to limit the output of greenhouse gases. Reduce your own energy use as much as possible


Downsize your life.


Buy organic food. Pesticides take a toll on the environment and frequently spawn pesticide-resistant pests. Buying organic food directly from the growers supports small farms and promotes biodiversity.


Lend your energy to protecting the drinking water supply on both micro and macro levels. Access to and availability of clean drinking water is a growing global crisis. Cut back on personal water use with water-wise gardens and promote development of sound water policies in your town or region.